Thursday, February 12, 2015

How technology impacts our future education?

     With the development of technology, we are experiencing a new era of Internet, and people all over the world have been involved in a new revolution which is called the Social Media Revolution. It becomes an Internet tool which changes the world into a global village, and even our offline behaviors get greatly impacted. The video clip "Social Media Revolution 2011", tells us the huge impacts that social media bring to our daily life from a statistical perspective. There is no doubt that education also receives great effects. For example, E-mails have become to be the most commonly used tool of communication between teachers and students, and there are more and more e-readers. This video clip reminds us, future teachers, that combing social media with our teaching becomes important and meaningful since social media are able to provide students with more entries to effectively explore and learn what they want to learn.
     "Every student can learn, just not on a same day or the same way". However, in our contemporary society, if we do not use technology in learning, we may lose the connection with the world, and we may lose the meaning of education. The video clip "Education Change Challenge 2010" shows that technology not only brings educators challenges but also opportunities since the generation of students that we are going to teach is a media driven generation; therefore, facing the challenges of using technology in our teaching also provides us with opportunities of changing the traditional education into a more efficient and world-wide education system.


  1. I've never really thought about using social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) as a method of instruction and I'm still not sure, but I definitely agree with you that technology needs to be integrated into classrooms because the old methods of teaching are becoming obsolete. Perhaps not necessarily obsolete but students are not being engaged in class and technology is a wonderful way to be able to re-engage them.

  2. I think your opinion that technology not only brings educators challenges but also opportunities really strikes me. I just thought that high technology changes a lot so suddenly that I am not full prepared for it. Maybe that is the reason why I think it challenging. On the other hand, technology really brings us opportunities. As a teacher, we should never cease to learn. It provides us good opportunities to learn new things to avoiding being lost in the class.

  3. Like Meng Li, I liked your comment about technology presenting both challenges and opportunities. Since technology changes so fast it is important to do two things- decide first on what the learning objectives are and then choose a tech tool and develop a good personal learning network by connecting with other teachers.
