My objectives of this video lesson are:
1. To help students develop their abilities on listening to details
2. To help students develop their abilities on listening to and comprehending the main idea of the video
3. To provide students some background knowledge on English learning
4. To encourage students to further develop their abilities on critical thinking
In order to assess if these objectives have been met, firstly, I would like to ask my students to answer questions which are provided in my TED Ed class after they watching the video. There are two multiple questions in the Think section, one is to assess if students are able to listen to details, and the other is to see if students have comprehended the main idea of this video. In addition, through the last Discuss section, I will be able to see students' own opinion on this topic which could indicate students' development on both comprehension and critical thinking, and what they have learned about English learning through this video.
Except these questions, I would like to encourage students to share their discussion for the Discuss section with their neighbors or even the whole class during the class time. Moreover, I believe that it would be effective if I offer some in class activities, for example, I could encourage each student to think of three sentences that are based on this video. One of these three questions should be wrong, and the other two should be right ones. And then other students will be encouraged to decide which is the wrong sentence, and which are right. Through this activity, students will be encouraged to recall the video as detailed as they can, therefore, I will be able to see if they have developed their abilities on listening to details.
I like the idea of having the students create quiz questions for each other. This will encourage them to both think about the content of the video and practice their written language skills.